Glasbeniki za glasbenike

19. srečanje Mednarodne zveze glasbenikov (FIM)


Ljubljana, od 16. - 18. decembra 2024

Tovrstno srečanje je bilo prvič v Sloveniji, organizirala in gostila ga je Glosa, ki je dejavna članica FIM že dolga leta. Več na Sindikat Glosa - 19. srečanje FIM


Zakon o medijih

Opozarjamo na nekatere bistvene točke, ki jih predlog zakona ne rešuje, marveč težave poglablja. Več na  pripombe-na-predlog-zmed.pdf (


Odprava diskriminacije /ZKUASP/

Objavljeno 26. septembra 2022

Predlagatelj izvajalcem posnetih izvedb v avdiovizualnih delih in videogramih omogoča obvezno kolektivno upravljanje njihovih pravic. Za izvajalce na posnetih glasbenih delih pa takšnega urejanja ne omogoča, s čimer postavlja glasbene izvajalce na posnetih glasbenih delih v neenak položaj. Več na Sindikat Glosa - Diskriminacija glasbenih izvajalcev (


Namenski sklad IPF / 2022

Objavljeno 16. junija 2022


IPF, k.o., obvešča vse izvajalce, ki so se znašli v težkih socialnih razmerah oziroma v hudi finančni stiski, da lahko na IPF, k.o., oddajo vlogo oz. zaprosijo za izplačilo enkratne izredne socialne pomoči. Za sredstva lahko vlagatelj zaprosi enkrat v koledarskem letu.

Višino in izplačilo sredstev na predlog delovnega telesa, imenovanega skladno s Statutom IPF, k.o., odobri poslovodstvo. Sredstva se izplačuje do porabe za ta namen oblikovanega sklada.

Vlogo oz. prošnjo za izplačilo sredstev je treba oddati najpozneje do 15. septembra 2022, vse podrobnosti pa boste našli tukaj.


Resolution of the European Parliament in favour of artists   CensureinNationalOperaLjubljana-CenzuravSNGOperainbaletLjubljana.pdf


Objavljeno 25. oktobra 2021

"As we announced in our article of 6 October 2021, the European Parliament adopted a resolution on the situation of artists and cultural recovery in the EU  on 20 October 2021."  Več tukaj.


Razpis za subvencioniranje nove produkcije avdio posnetkov skladb 2021

31. maj 2021

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 FIM Statement on Online Music


Objavljeno 24. maja 2021 (sprejeto na 22. kongresu FIM 21. maja 2021)

"Since the 2000s, the development of download platforms, then streaming services, has both contracted and expanded the music market. However, despite recently accelerating growth, the value thus created is not shared fairly. Indeed, the performers whose music creates this value receive little or no revenue when their recordings are used online with relatively few exceptions.

The implementation of the fundamental principles set out below is essential to, at last, guarantee the payment of a fair remuneration to music performers for the value transfer from their work."  Preberite celotno sporočilo

Datoteka v pdf dokumentu:  fim-statement-online-music-EN.pdf


Zlata piščal

20. maj 2021

Stanovsko nagrado 'Zlata piščal' podeljuje Kulturno-umetniško društvo Zlata piščal za dosežke v slovenski popularni glasbi na vsakoletni slovesnosti, ki vključuje tudi nastope različnih glasbenih izvajalcev in debate o aktualnih temah v glasbeni industriji. Zlata piščal je edina slovenska strokovna nagrada, namenjena izvajalcem in ustvarjalcem zabavne glasbe. Prvič (za leto 2014) je bila podeljena 29. maja 2015 v okviru 2. Dneva slovenske glasbe v ljubljanskem Hotelu Union.

Vsako leto akademija, sestavljena iz strokovnjakov na področju glasbene in medijske industrije, preuči bero preteklega leta, predlaga nominirance in izbere nagrajence. Glasbeniki so zlato piščal odlično sprejeli, saj je postala tradicionalna in vseskozi pridobiva na ugledu ter je referenca v biografijah glasbenikov.

Ogled prireditve na

Zbirka aprilskih objav na  Zbirkamedijskihobjav(


Predlog sprememb Zakona o avtorski in sorodnih pravicah

11. maj 2021

Besedilo predloga sprememb, vezanih na retransmisijo in fonogram v AV delih, poslanih na MGRT in URSIL:  sprememba31in128clenaZASP.pdf


Poziv odločevalcem v zvezi z 9. protikoronskim paketom

8. marec 2021

V PKP9 predlagamo člen na področju kolektivnega upravljanja avtorske in sorodnih pravic - zagotovitev sredstev iz proračuna RS zaradi izpadov prihodkov v letu 2020, ki so posledica epidemije COVID-19.

Več na:  PKP9_podrocjekolek_upravljanjaavtorskeinsorodnihpravic.pdf


Podaljšanje protikorona ukrepov za samozaposlene

5. januar 2021

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Veljati je začel PKP7

4. januar 2021

Zakon je bil 30. 12. 2020 objavljen v uradnem listu in je začel veljati naslednji dan po objavi. Avtorjem in imetnikom pravic prinaša zelo ugoden člen.

Več izveste na:


Prenos Direktive (EU) 2019/790  /DSMD/  v slovenski pravni red

2. november 2020

Klikni na:  Glosa_PrenosDSMDvnac.zakonodajo_2.11.2020.pdf in (priloga) Xalabarder_Naceloprimernegainsorazmernegaplacilaizclena18DSMD_SLO.pdf


Priporočila FIM za vračanje orkestrov na delo

3. junij 2020

Klikni na: 2020-06-03-fim-recommendations-safe-return-to-work.pdf


Poziv k izredni in trajnostni podpori za zaščito slovenskega glasbenega sektorja

14. april 2020

Klikni na: Pozivkizredniintrajnostnipodporizazascitoslov.glasb.sektorja.pdf


Poziv slovenskim RA+TV medijem

26. marec 2020

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Apel za zaščito slovenskih avtorjev glasbe

23. marec 2020

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Razpis za subvencioniranje nove produkcije avdio posnetkov skladb 2019

17. september 2019

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Zakon o medijih

Noveli nasprotujemo. Več na tej povezavi.


The EU Parliament adopts the copyright directive

fair internet for performers

Published on March 26 2019

The FAIR INTERNET coalition welcomes the European Parliament’s adoption of the Directive on Copyright in the Digital Single Market. Read more


Fair Internet partners support the Trilogue deal

fair internet for performers

Published on February 19 2019

The FAIR INTERNET coalition representing over 500,000 musicians, singers, actors, dancers and other performing artists urges the Council and the Parliament to give their final approval to the compromise agreement reached at trilogue on the draft Directive on Copyright in the Digital Single Market. Read more


Copyright reform and performers: are decision-makers willing to set things right at last?

fair internet for performers

Published on January 21 2019

Pretty much anyone today enjoys audio and audiovisual content through streaming and downloading platforms such as Netflix, YouTube, Amazon Prime, iTunes or Spotify. These are not emerging markets anymore but strong and flourishing businesses run by some of the largest corporations the world has ever seen.

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Fair-Internet welcomes the vote of the Legal Affairs’ Committee

fair internet for performers

Published on June 20 2018

The FAIR INTERNET coalition welcomes the vote of the Legal Affairs’ Committee in favour of a new article 14a ensuring the payment of fair and proportionate remuneration to performers – including for online exploitations.

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Open letter from performers and audiovisual authors

fair internet for performers

Published on June 5 2018

Dear Members of the Legal Affairs committee, we came to Strasbourg a few days ago to discuss the draft Copyright Directive and fair remuneration of performers and audiovisual authors. We learnt that very little time is left before decisions are taken on the final compromise amendments to be voted on in committee in June.

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Performers and AV authors call for a right to equitable remuneration

fair internet for performers

Published on June 4 2018

Today, performers, audiovisual authors’ (screenwriters and directors) and their representative organisations came together in the European Parliament at an event co-hosted by MEPs Marc Joulaud (EPP), Mary Honeyball (S&D) and Helga Trüpel (Greens/EFA), to highlight the realities and needs of performers and audiovisual authors in the Digital Single Market.

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Foučerji so navdušili!

27. januarja 2018 smo na Železniški postaji Nova Gorica, v izjemno prijetnem in nabitem ambientu, čisto na državni meji, doživeli sanjsko vsebino prvinskega rock('n'roll)a. Poklon MOJSTROM! Tudi Glosin član je med njimi.

Foto:  TheFoucers.pdf 


Fair-Internet comments re. JURI compromise amendments

fair internet for performers

Published on January 10 2018

The members of the FAIR INTERNET coalition have read with great attention the Legal Affairs committee’s latest compromise amendments to articles 14 to 16.

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Nov dan - Nove zgodbe

Nov dan, nove zgodbe

December 2017

ZSVGS in Glosa SKG podpirata novo slovensko glasbo!

Glasbena sindikata ZSVGS in Glosa SKG sta ob pomoči založbe Nika Records ob koncu leta izdala dva nova kompilacijska albuma. Na prvega je umeščena narodnozabavna glasba, na drugem je našla prostor zabavna. Takšnega projekta so se lotili že drugo leto zapored in tako glasbenikom s subvencioniranjem omogočili, da objavijo svoja dela. Več na:

Dve zgoščenki:  Novdan-Novezgodbe.pdf


Fair-Internet comments re. discussions in JURI

fair internet for performers

Published on December 7 2017

The majority of European performers are not remunerated when consumers access their creative content –such as music and movies– via on-demand services like Spotify, Netflix and iTunes.

Most of them are made to sign away and transfer all their exclusive rights to their employer, the producing company, all too often for a one-off payment for all territories and all the duration of their rights. Read more


British artist and politician lend their support to European performers

fair internet for performers

Published on November 9 2017

With the European Parliament soon to express itself on the review of EU Copyright Directive, British artist Murray Head and Member of the European Parliament Mary Honeyball (S&D, UK) came together today in Brussels in support of the FAIR INTERNET coalition. Read more


Fair-Internet meets with Axel Voss MEP

fair internet for performers

Published on September 26 2017

German actor Hans Werner Meyer, starring in over 120 film and TV productions in Germany, and the FAIR INTERNET Coalition, representing over 500,000 professional performers across Europe, formally delivered today the “Make the Internet fair for performers” petition to Axel Voss MEP, rapporteur on the review of Copyright Directive in the European Parliament. Read more


Fair-Internet reacts to EU Presidency proposal

fair internet for performers

Published on September 7 2017

Open Letter to Ministries and Permanent Representations

Dear Madam/Sir,

The partners of the FAIR INTERNET coalition have read with great attention the compromise proposals put forward by the Estonian Presidency regarding the draft Directive on Copyright in the Digital Single Market (dated 30 August 2017). Read more


Fair-Internet reacts to ITRE and CULT opinions

fair internet for performers

Published on July 11 2017

The Fair Internet Coalition welcomes the opinions of the Industry and Culture Committees of the European Parliament introducing an unwaivable right to remuneration for authors and performers

The Fair Internet Coalition represents over 500 000 performers in Europe and is actively campaigning to ensure that the revised EU Copyright Directive brings about fair remuneration for performers for the use of their performances via on demand services.

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Zlata piščal 2016

13. junij 2017

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Novinarska konferenca o legalni uporabi avtorskih del


17. maj 2017

Vsi imamo koristi od pestre in raznolike izbire avtorskih vsebin. Zagotovili jih bomo lahko le s spoštovanjem in podporo avtorskega dela kreativnih ljudi sedanje in prihodnjih generacij. Ker je legalna uporaba avtorskih del pomembna tako za same ustvarjalce kakor tudi za celotno družbo, bomo o tej temi skupaj s partnerji spregovorili na novinarski konferenci.  Več na:  zipvabilo1752017.pdf


Jardier: 'Kondicija zabavne glasbe ni vedno povezana s kakovostjo'

16. maj 2017

Dobitniki zlate piščali za najboljšega debitanta 2016 Jardier se pripravljajo na začetek snemanja novega albuma, pevec Alex Raztresen pa je z nami delil nekaj misli o domači glasbeni sceni, izzivih in razmerah za delo.

Preberi na:


Comments & amendments by the FAIR INTERNET coalition

fair internet for performers

Published on April 11 2017

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ETUC initiates a process of reflection on new forms of employment


Published on March 8 2017

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Europe’s performers call on MEPs to rebalance copyright and guarantee a fair remuneration from streaming and download services

fair internet for performers

Published on January 11 2017

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Performers call on European legislators to ensure fair treatment of performers in the digital world

 fair internet for performers

Published on December 5 2016

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Draft Directive on Copyright in the Digital Single Market is a lost opportunity to make a real difference for Europe’s performers

fair internet for performers

Published on September 14 2016

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Odprto pismo člana Matjaža Jelena




Fair Internet partners publish open letter to Pdt Juncker

fair internet for performers

Published on July 12 2016

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Pismo predsednika mag. Andreja Srake v zvezi s predlogom ZKUASP

11. julij 2016

Klikni za vsebino:  glosa-skgzkuasp1172016-1.pdf


OIRA: Free tool for risk assessment in the live performance sector


Pismo predsednika mag. Andreja Srake v zvezi s predlogom ZKUASP

15. junij 2016

Klikni za vsebino:  glosa-skgzkuasp1562015.pdf



MEP Dietmar Köster hosts Fair Internet event

 fair internet for performers

Ekonomska upravičenost popustov pri plačevanju nadomestil kolektivni organizaciji in s tem povezana sodna praska

21. junij 2016

V Sindikatu Glosa spodbujamo, da se v javnosti odpira prostor za pogovore o različnih temah, ki zadevajo naše člane in ostale deležnike, ki so povezani z uporabo glasbenih del. Ena najpomembnejših so nadomestila, ki jih morajo uporabniki glasbenih del po zakonu plačevati kolektivnim organizacijam. Ta zbrana sredstva razdelijo med ustvarjalce glasbenih del. Pri tem pa prihaja tudi do sodnih sporov in različnih sodnih praks.

Temu izjemno pomembnemu področju posvečamo okroglo mizo v torek, 21. junija 2016, med 12. in 13.30 uro, v Maxi klub salonu v Ljubljani.

Več v vabilu predsednika Glose SKG mag. Andreja Srake:   ekonomska-upravicenost-popustov-pri-placevanju-nadomestil2162016.pdf



Zlata piščal 2015

7. junij 2016

Klikni za vsebino:



United Kingdom | MU position on Europe

Published on April 16 2016

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France | The employer of Belarusian musicians sentenced for not respecting the applicable collective agreement


Published on April 15 2016

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Extended collective management in Hungary | EJI forces Deezer to comply with the law

 fair internet for performers

Published on April 14 2016

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MEPs express again their interest for the FI campaign

 fair internet for performers

Published on April 5 2016

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FIM condemns the decision of the Egyptian Musicians Union’s President to suspend 6 singers

FIM logo

 fair internet for performers

Published on March 22 2016

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Berlin | Musicians, actors and authors/composers meet Commissioner Oettinger

 fair internet for performers

Published on February 24 2016

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Odprto pismo Matjaža Jelena




'Europe’s performers urge EU legislators to turn words into concrete actions'

fair internet for performers

Published on December 9 2015

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'EU Copyright reform should include a guarantee for fair remuneration for creators and performers'

 fair internet for performers

Published on October 14 2015

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'EU Commission’s study on the remuneration of authors and performers'

fair internet for performers

Published on October 6 2015

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'VP Ansip committed to ensuring that performers be fairly remunerated'